Dating is usually tough enough during normal circumstances, but during COVID-19 and the world
locked down, dating has become even more difficult than ever. So, it may be a good idea for this season's First Date King (1DK) to go online and try to find his potential wife.
This season's First Date King has been on so
many first dates that his friends have affectionally dubbed him the First Date King. It take patience and confidence to setting up, securing, planning, and creating enough chemistry on the first date to ensure the second date. Just like how 2020 has completely gone off the tracks from COVID-19. Let us see if the 1DK can keep the first date on rails long enough as he tries to find and woo a woman from various dating sites. We foresee this going completely to the left as he tries to juggle multiple women and their
personalities, pet-peeves, landmines, and irrational deal breakers.
Each episode features three
dates per episode that are filled with personal to creative dates, flirty banter, awkward exchanges and - - hopefully -- moments of true connection. Our dating show takes an honest and compelling look at the real world of wooing potential mates through online dating apps.